Your Company

Deciding what sites to take on

The decision to take on a specific site for self-build development is a delicate balance of vision, feasibility, community impact, and sustainability. At Livedin, our process ensures that every plot we engage with is set up for long-term success.

Vision Alignment

First and foremost, we look for sites that reflect our overarching mission. We believe that every self-build site should:

  • Offer meaningful opportunities for individuals to shape their living spaces
  • Contribute to local well-being by blending harmoniously with the existing community
  • Encourage innovative and eco-conscious building methods

Market and Community Potential

We study the local housing market and the level of community engagement to gauge the potential of a successful self-build project. Ideal sites often feature:

  • A need for diverse housing options not served by traditional developers
  • A community eager to welcome and integrate new projects
  • Adequate interest from local self-builders who are ready to step in

Planning Feasibility and Sustainability

We conduct thorough planning feasibility assessments to ensure the site is ready for the regulatory journey. This involves:

  • Reviewing planning and environmental constraints
  • Estimating infrastructure requirements such as utilities, roads, and drainage
  • Evaluating sustainability metrics, including the potential for solar gain, water management, and ecological preservation

Financial Viability

While our mission centres on accessibility, each project must be financially viable to ensure its success. We consider:

  • Development costs vs. potential returns
  • Potential funding and grant opportunities for community-driven or eco-friendly initiatives
  • Ability to provide fair purchase terms for self-builders

Community-Centred Approach

Ultimately, every site we choose is a reflection of our community-first philosophy. By vetting each opportunity thoroughly—and ensuring it aligns with our values—we set our self-builders up for the greatest chance of building not just a house, but a vibrant home that enriches the broader community.